1. Our Purchase Policy
(1) Purchase approach
- ・ We build good partnerships with suppliers and strive towards mutual understanding.
- ・ We provide fair and honest support and have no private interests with our suppliers.
- ・ We comply with laws, social norms and in-house regulations, and conduct business with integrity based on corporate ethics.
(2) Purchase transactions
- ・ When selecting a supplier, we comprehensively evaluate and judge quality, price, delivery dates, stable supply, finances, environmental conservation, considerations towards human rights, health and safety and information security measures, and then make a fair selection.
- ・ We do not engage in entertainment, exchange of gifts, or exchange/provision of money that misappropriates any superiority of position.
- ・ We do not force purchases of specific goods or use of labor on the supplier.
- ・ We appropriately manage and protect any confidential information received from the supplier.
- ・ We work for the conservation of global environment and promote "Green Supply."
- ・ We do not engage in insider trading, such as stock trading, using the information acquired from the suppliers.
- ・ If in case an act violating the above is uncovered, we appropriately report it and make corrections.
2. Basic Approach Towards Suppliers
In order for our company to expand its business, we need to take initiatives for CSR throughout our supply chain.
We also request our suppliers to make an effort regarding the following:
In the unlikely event that a problem inconsistent with these matters occurs, please report it to us immediately and take corrective action. Please note that, depending on the nature of said problem, we may stop or reduce transactions with the supplier. We request your cooperation in the initiatives for CSR.
(1) Compliance with laws and social norms
We request that the supplier adhere to the relevant laws and social norms applicable in the country or region where the supplier’s business activities are located.
(2) Considerations towards human rights and manual labor
We request that the supplier respect basic human rights of the employees and to refrain from any kind of discrimination or unjust labor practices such as child labor or forced labor.
(3) Considerations towards safety and hygiene
We request that the supplier ensure the health and safety of employees and maintain a pleasant work environment. (according to Industrial Safety and Health Act)
(4) Prohibition of corruption and promotion of fair trade
We request that the supplier prohibit bribes or other unjust exchanges or transfer of profits, and conduct sincere and just transactions.
(5) Sound business management
We request that the supplier promote sound and stable project management in order to build a cooperative relationship as a partner and continue transactions. In addition, we request that the supplier disclose management policies or financial status if necessary.
(6) Quality, delivery dates and stable supply
We request that the supplier comply with the quality and delivery dates requested by our company, and maintain a stable supply system.
(7) Preparedness for emergencies and continuation of projects
We request that the supplier sufficiently prepare against natural disasters, calamities such as accidents, infectious diseases, etc., regularly implement measures and precautions against such emergencies, and establish a project continuation system.
(8) Environmental considerations
We request that the supplier promote environmental conservation activities such as reduction of greenhouse gases, reduction of waste matter, effective use of resources, and appropriate management of toxic substances, and to use and produce environment-friendly materials.
(9) Promotion of responsible mineral supply
We request that the supplier prohibit transactions with individuals or groups participating in activities violating human rights such as conflicts, terrorism or child labor, and to promote responsible mineral supply during supply of raw materials.
(10) Emphasis on VE (Value Engineering) activities
Our company is involved in fields where technological innovations and product cycle are extremely fast. In addition, the price competition is fierce, whereby constant development of new products supporting customers’ needs and provision of value has become the norm. We are seeking to conduct business with suppliers who can provide new materials at improved costs through VE activities.
(11) Emphasis on provision of information
Our company is involved in fields where technological innovation is always fierce and support towards such innovation is of the utmost importance. In addition, the laws and regulations related to protection of the global environment and environment-specific demands from customers are becoming stricter with each passing year. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly acquire information about new technologies and products (data). As such, we seek to conduct business with suppliers who can provide this information.
(12) Information security
We request that the supplier take defensive measures against threats on computer networks, and appropriately manage them to avoid damage to our company and to others. Further, we request that the supplier also closely monitor any confidential or personal information acquired while doing business with our company, and to protect such information.
(13) Elimination of relationships with criminal groups and individuals
We request the supplier to refrain from doing business with any criminal groups and/or individuals that pose a threat to social order and safety.
(14) Social contributions
We interact with local communities and related industries, and actively participate in regional activities and activities of various groups. We request that the supplier also engage in activities supportive of the community using management resources.