The Group has decided upon activities that must be done during normal times in preparation for emergencies such as natural disasters, earthquakes, fires, explosions and epidemics, and methods and processes for business continuity during emergencies to work towards swift restoration of business continuity or important businesses and minimize the damage.

We have a promotion system to prioritize important business in the unlikely event of an emergency. For example, if a production plant is damaged by a disaster like an earthquake and manufacturing products becomes impossible, we have a backup system so that we can connect with other plants to make production possible. We also have plans to cooperate with suppliers and logistics companies that deliver material and parts.
Business Continuity
The Group is prepared for unforeseen situations such as disasters, including earthquakes, fires, and explosions that might interrupt corporate activities. We will promptly discern and check these situations, take prompt and appropriate measures to counter them and minimize damage, and we have established emergency management regulations and emergency response planning regulations aimed towards the early resumption of important businesses so that our customers and stakeholders are not affected by the business interruption.
Measures Against Large-scale Earthquakes
At the Tochigi Segment, the Research & Development Division and a part of the manufacturing facilities are housed in a seismically isolated structure. Further, by housing our core system server in that building, we made it possible to continue operations without stopping our systems, even during the recent earthquake.
In preparation for a large-scale earthquake, we have installed a large-scale private power generator (power generation capacity 2100 kw) in our main Tochigi Segment as a measure against power outages.
To fulfill our supply responsibilities as a solder manufacturer, we have improved our stable supply system by establishing an automated warehouse at the Tochigi Segment in preparation for a disaster.

Nissin Tower has a seismically isolated structure

Seismic isolation structure as seen from the outside
Infection Control Measures
Our basic policy is to give top priority to safeguarding the health and lives of our employees and their families, neighboring communities, related parties, and customers. We are implementing measures based on the countermeasure manual to prevent infectious diseases from coming into and spreading inside the company and to protect our employees, their families, and customers, including clients coming to visit our offices.
In addition to installing air purifiers that remove germs and placing disinfectants at the building entrance, we have also provided them in places such as the cafeteria where many employees congregate.