Revision Date: January 1, 2024
Common Goals of All Practices and Specification of Practice
- Provide proper education and thorough understanding for all workers
- Facilitate further development of two-way communication and collaborative relationships with stakeholders
Human Rights and Labor
1. Prohibition of Forced Labor
- ・The Company does not engage in any form of forced labor including involuntary or exploitative prison labor, slavery, or human trafficking, bonded labor, or debt bondage.
- ・Worker work must be voluntary. As stated in the employment contract/offer, worker may take leave or request to resign by following the company policies. If they are compliant with the policies, they will not be stopped from resigning and no penalty will be imposed.
- ・The Company appropriately maintains employment-related documents of all workers including those terminated workers, and will store them securely by applicable laws and regulations.
- ・The workers retain their own Identification Card, Passport, or Work Permit with them. The Company does not bear the responsibility for storing or maintaining those documents on behalf of workers.
- ・Regardless of the type of employment, workers are provided with information about the Company’s employment processes. The Company appropriately manages to protect workers from being subjected to unfair employment practices such as the obligation to pay recruitment fees, work substitutions or changes to less favorable contract terms, or the agreement written in a language the worker does not understand.
- ・The company shall not impose unreasonable restrictions on the access and movement of workers to and from company facilities.
2. Prohibition of Child Labor
- ・The age of the worker is verified by an appropriate mechanisms to prevent the hiring of those who either have not completed compulsory education or do not meet the minimum employable age stipulated by the government.
- ・Workers under the age of 18 shall not be placed in late-night work shifts, overtime, or other work that may pose a risk ofadversely affecting their health or placed in a work location where there is inherent danger.
- ・When accepting student workers as interns, the Company will manage them according to applicable laws and regulations, and provide necessary support and educational training to protect the students' rights and safety.
- ・Should the Company come to find out underaged worker who is present among its workforce, the Company provides the relevant person with legal and appropriate measures based on the auditing standards of the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance).
3. Working Hours
- ・Work hours shall be responsibly managed based on the Labor Standards Act as the Company strives to maintain and help improve workers’ health and promote a culturally enriched lifestyle. Even in peak times, overtime, or work during holidays should be kept to a minimum well within the limit set by the 36 Agreement.
- ・The total number of weekly work hours should not exceed 60 hours and consecutive workdays per week must not exceed more than 6 days except in emergencies or extraordinary circumstances.
- ・Overtime work shall be performed upon request from the Company and be performed in agreement with the workers.
4. Wages and Benefits
- ・The Company complies with all laws and regulations which govern legal minimum wage, overtime pay, and wages that include statutory benefits.
- ・Regardless of the worker’s employment status, the same work and qualifications ensure equal pay and access to benefits.
- ・Unfair wage reductions are prohibited. Additionally, wages must not be reduced or withheld as disciplinary measures.
- ・Workers shall receive a pay statement at the end of each pay period that clearly states the basis for calculating wages.
5. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment / Humane Treatment
- ・The Company prohibits the inhumane treatment of workers including such conduct as abuse, corporal punishment, violence,harassment, coercion, bullying, insulting, or showing off in public places.
- ・The Company fosters and builds a healthy working environment by offering fair evaluation, education, and training, and employment free from discrimination based on age, ethnicity, nationality, gender, disability status, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or family status.
- ・The company will take into consideration religious requests from workers or work-related accommodation requests due to disabilities.
- ・The company will not require job applicants and workers to submit to pregnancy tests or other medical tests forthe purpose of discriminating against them.
6.Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
- ・Improvements to the labor conditions and work environments shall be planned through dialogue and negotiations with the company via the labor committee as the representative of the workforce.
- ・The right of workers to form or participate in associations of their own volition and to refrain from those activities are respected. There shall be no form of retaliation toward or unfair performance evaluation of workers due to their participation or non-participation in collective bargaining, or the content of their opinions.
Health and safety
1. Occupational Health and Safety
- ・The Company will assess workplaces for health and safety risks and prevent accidents by eliminating safety hazards, developing substitution processes and implementing preventive measures.
- ・The Company shall consider gender-friendly measures to eliminate potential hazards to female workers who are expecting or taking care of small children. Appropriate measures will be taken to accommodate their specific needs.
2. Emergency Preparedness
- ・Emergency procedures for natural disasters such as earthquakes, fire, and flood shall be routinely communicated, evaluated, implemented, and reviewed.
- ・Disaster prevention drills will be conducted at least once a year. Confirm inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishers and emergency equipment, secure evacuation routes, and emergency exits, emergency contact information, and recovery plans.
- ・Evacuation routes and evacuation locations are posted in strategically visible places within the facility.
- ・To prevent contracting and spreading of infectious diseases, the Company takes measures to block the infection route to prevent infection. If workers are infected, others preventive measures such as self-isolation during the recovery period may be forced to stop further transmission among the workforces.
3. Prevention of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
- ・Establish and operate a system to prevent, manage, track and report occupational injuries and illnesses.
- ・In case of a dangerous emergency, no workers are allowed to work in that area unless the danger has been eliminated or mitigated.
4. Industrial Hygiene
- ・Strive to continually improve the work environment by identifying, evaluating, and effectively managing exposure to chemicals, biological, and physical hazards in the work environment.
- ・All workers who work in environments that require protection from potential exposure are provided with appropriate protective equipment and training in how to use the protective equipment properly.
- ・Periodic medical checks shall be conducted as follows:
General health checks: once a year
Lifestyle-related disease checks: twice a year
Specialized health exams: twice a year
5. Physically Demanding Work
- ・For workers who engage in physically demanding work such as long hours of repetitive work or lifting heavy objects, extra measures such as evaluating specific ergonomic risks, reducing physical stress, or increasing the frequency of rest periods will be permitted whenever it is deemed necessary.
6. Machine Safeguarding
- ・For production and other equipment, safety evaluation will be conducted at the time of installation. The Company implements preventive measures such as protective systems, interlocks or safety barriers and provides safety training for the operators to prevent potential injuries.
- ・Documented safety controls will be implemented following relevant laws and regulations on the operational safety of equipment. Equipment safety training will be delivered to operators.
- ・Assess, evaluate, and identify potential risks involved in routine work as well as non-routine works such as maintenance or cleaning, and developing safety measures.
7. Sanitation, Food and Housing
- ・Facilities such as worker dormitories, dining halls, and bathrooms must be maintained as safe, clean, and comfortable space.
- ・Dining halls and dormitories shall have access to clean and safe drinking water and meals provided there shall be prepared and stored safely and hygienically.
- ・Dormitories provide secure personal space and are equipped with emergency exits and air circulation, bathing facilities, lighting as well as a climate control system.
8. Health and Safety Communication
- ・The Company routinely provides workplace safety training regarding any hazards including industrial hygiene and safety related information in language-specific training programs.
- ・Specific handling requirement of chemical substances, SDS (Safety Data Sheet), and emergency response step-by-step procedures are posted and or stored in places workers can easily access and refer to.
- ・Information regarding each worker’s health-related attributes must be provided in a way that is easily verified.
- ・The Company shall maintain a system to enable workers to raise health and safety concerns.
9. Prohibition of Drugs and Other Substances in the Workplace
- ・The use, sale, and possession of illegal drugs or any other controlled substances (excluding drugs prescribed to an individual by a physician for medical use) shall be forbidden in the workplace.
- ・The consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages (excluding the temporary storage of gift items and the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages during company events) shall be forbidden in the workplace.
- ・Workers are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, illicit drugs, and/or the abuse of over-the-counter drug during working hours.
1. Environmental Permits and Reporting
- ・All legally required environmental permits shall be obtained and all managing and reporting operational requirements shall be followed.
2. Pollution Prevention and Effective Use of Resources
- ・By continually improving the efficiency of production processes and recycling of reusable materials, the Company strives to reduce waste by efficient use of resources that minimize or eliminate environmental pollution.
3. Hazardous Substances
- ・Must manage chemicals, industrial waste, and other harmful substances by the established safety protocols and procedures including specific labeling, safe handling, transportation, safe storage, use, recycling or reuse, and safe disposal.
- ・Confirm that all hazardous wastes are appropriately collected, transported, and disposed of, and the records are maintained in the Waste Management Data Sheet.
4. Waste
- ・Develop, implement, and operationalize a system to appropriately classify, manage, reduce, dispose, or recycle wastes.
- ・Confirm that all wastes are appropriately collected, transported, and disposed of, and the records are maintained in the Waste Management Data Sheet.
- ・Specially controlled waste shall be responsibly managed from discharge to disposal according to the laws and regulations.
5. Emission of substances into the Atmosphere
- ・By understanding the usage status of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) or particulates, corrosive substances, ozone-depleting substances, and byproducts of combustion, etc., develop and maintain a management system at each worksite that does not cause atmospheric pollution due to emissions.
- ・Ozone-depleting substances will be managed appropriately in accordance with the Montreal Protocol and applicable regulations.
6. Restrictions on Substances Used
- ・Substances used in product manufacturing must comply with any prohibitions or restrictions imposed by applicable laws and customer requirements.
7. Water Management
- ・Strive to conserve water by responsibly managing water use and discharge.
- ・Prevent overflow of contaminated water into storm drains or the public water supplies and strive to identify and manage pollution risks by complying with applicable laws and regulations.
8. Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- ・The Company shall develop quantitative targets for energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction by taking measure to address climate change in our business activities. The degree of achieved results against the targets will be published.
- ・Publish data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Scope 1, 2 and main categories of Scope 3.
Fair Trade and Ethics
1. Business Integrity
- ・All forms of corruption, extortion, and embezzlement or falsification is prohibited.
2. Prevention of Corruption
- ・Fraudulent acts to obtain unfair profits by bribery or collusion is prohibited, and anti-corruption measures will be taken.
- ・Transactions involving potential conflicts of interest will be appropriately monitored and managed, and will be addressed through deliberations based on the governance system.
- ・The Company complies with relevant domestic and international laws and regulations, including Japan's Unfair Competition Prevention Act and the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and prohibits bribery of public officials and government officials or their equivalents.
3. Disclosure of Information
- ・All information stipulated according to applicable laws and regulations concerning our business activities, corporate structure and the financial situation are publicly disclosed.
- ・Disclosure of information will take place to the extent possible within the scope of availability. We ensure accuracy and disclosure of information in a timely and appropriate manner.
- ・The Company prohibits the falsification of records or misrepresentations of information.
4. Intellectual Property
- ・The Company protects its intellectual property rights as well as those of its customers, and business partners.
5. Fair Business Activities
- ・The Company engages in fair and free competition and conducts honest and fair business activities.
6. Protection of Anonymity and Prohibition of Retaliation
- ・The Company ensures the confidentiality and the anonymity of whistleblowers who report violations of laws and regulations by maintaining the anonymous reporting system and providing training for the workers. The Company prohibits any forms of retaliation against the whistleblowers.
7. Responsible Mining Activities (Mineral Procurement)
- ・The Company sources minerals that meet the requirements stipulated by RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiative) regulations. It prohibits trade with individuals and organizations that engage in human rights abuse like conflict, terrorism, or child labor.
- ・The Company incorporates the framework of the OECD's Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and promotes procurement of conflict-free minerals.
8. Protection of Privacy
- ・The confidentiality of the personal information pertaining to all parties the Company does business with including those of customers, suppliers, and workers shall be managed, protected, and maintained while complying with the applicable laws.
9. Export Control
- ・Complying with applicable laws and internal regulations and by regularly scheduled audits, the Company conducts proper export controls.
Product Quality and Safety
1. Products and Services
- ・The Company ensures product safety and markets and sells the products as a responsible manufacturer.
- ・The Company ensures compliance with applicable product safety regulations and normally required safety standards.
- ・The information about products and services to customers shall be provided accurately and free from misrepresentation or falsification.
2. Stability of Supply
- ・Anticipating the occurrence of emergencies such as disasters, and devise and develop a recovery plan that addresses how to minimize risks as well as make a speedy restoration of the business operations.
Information Security
1. Securing Computer and Network
- ・Take appropriate cybersecurity measures to protect computer network from unauthorized access and manage to avoid any potential damages to the Company as well as the customers.
- ・The Company will perform risk management to prevent information or data breaches by implementing appropriate protective mechanisms to safeguard information assets.
2. Use of Social Media
・Implement effective employee training in accordance with the Social Media Use Guidelines.
Management Systems
1. Responsibility and Commitment
- ・Various policies approved by the management must be maintained accessible in languages comprehensible to the workers.
- ・In corporate management, clarify the scope of responsibility of the manager in charge and regularly review the management status.
2. Risk Management
- ・Establish a process that enables identifying, monitoring, and recognizing applicable legal matters as well as customer requirements.
- ・Establish a management framework to comply with work-related laws and regulations, and maintaining health and safety, environment, and corporate ethics.
3. Grievance Mechanism
- ・The Company maintains two-way communication with workers as well as with stakeholders, and strive to achieve continuous improvement based on the feedback it receives.
- ・Provide a safe workplace where workers and stakeholders mays voice opinions or complaints without fear of retaliation.
Social Contributions
1. Social Contributions
- ・Contribute to the development of culture and education through interactions with local communities.
- ・Collaborate with local communities for community events.
2. Biodiversity
- ・Engage in protective efforts for nature and environmental preservation activities to maintain biodiversity and conservation.