Employee Health Management
We create a workplace where employees can be healthy and work in peace.
We conduct regular physical examinations as stipulated by the law once a year, and a lifestyle disease checkup for persons over the target age twice a year. In addition, we also conduct special physical checkups for specified employees twice a year, and strive to maintain employee health. We also hold health consultation sessions with health management advisors in order to try and resolve the health issues of individual persons.
Photograph: Spring physical examinations for all employees
Medical examinations in compliance with the Industrial Health and Safety Act

Solder Technical Center
Satoru Akita
I am in charge of developing the soldering paste, which is why I have to handle organic solvents and metals, such as lead, in powder form. In the workplace, considerations are made for health, such as installation of vents, but I make it a point to participate in the semi-annual checkup for lead and organic solvents. I tend to be forgetful about my health, but I am reminded of the importance and maintenance of health every time I get a checkup. In addition, these diagnostic results allow me to feel secure and concentrate on my development work, and at the same time, remind me of the proper use of metal powder and chemicals. I am also grateful to work for a company that installed a vending machine for milk, which has absorption effects, and that also provides cost support for it.
Cancer Insurance System
As a part of employee welfare.
This is a system where the company bears the entire amount of insurance premium to take responsibility of treatment and surgery expenses with a purpose to reduce the burden of medical treatment costs as much as possible in case a working employee is diagnosed with cancer, and to help stabilize their life.
Headquarters Building
After passing the automatic door from the main entrance through the courtyard, you can proceed to the front of the elevator hall without using any steps. There are two elevators, one of which is meant for use by disabled persons, and has equipment that can be used by people in wheelchairs or people with vision impairments.
Nissin Lou, Electrical Material Factory
A slope is provided at the entrance of Nissin Lou, Electrical Material Factory at the Tochigi Segment so that wheelchair users can enter and exit smoothly, and the elevator is also designed so that wheelchair users can use it.
Evacuation Drills
In order to protect the life of employees in earthquakes and fires, we periodically conduct evacuation drills under the guidance of the fire department.
Emergency Exit
In accordance with RBA (Responsible Business Alliance), the SMIC group is proceeding with the renovation of emergency exits of its establishments, making them doors that can be opened with a single action without the need of special information or efforts, so that the workers can evacuate safely and quickly. The status of emergency exits at all locations has been confirmed, and sequential repair work is being carried out based on the implementation plan. By October 2022, the renovation of SMIC Headquarters, Tochigi Segment, Kansai Segment, and Senju Electronic Corp. will be complete, and then it will be expanded to all locations.