Global Expansion
Strengthening the system to "Provide the best products to our customers"
SMIC's business policy is that the development department and sales department visit our customers together and promptly solve their problems. Technical experts accompany these departments, and precisely grasp the technical requests, demands and related information from the customers in order to globally expand the technical support, including proposals or plans for joint development. We were able to satisfy several customers by providing products that are one step ahead of their needs.
Solder Technical Center
Our goal is not merely to make products lead-free, but also to generate innovation

By summarizing all requests concerning solder materials in a "Development and Improvement Request Document" and classifying them into categories such as Visit Accompaniment, Trial Support, Assessment and Analysis, and Introduction Testing, we are responding to more than 100 requests per month. In addition, during the visit accompaniments, we provide early solutions to issues and propose plans for joint development by getting frank opinions from the customers and making prompt and appropriate proposals. Around 10 teams of development members with unique points of view are striving to conduct daily research to make proposals suited to the customers’ requests.
FA Technical Center
Technicians working with solder materials and equipment offer new solutions

Every time a new product such as a vacuum reflow oven is developed, several customers visit our showrooms to witness demonstrations and check whether the product suits the product specifications of their company. If they are satisfied it does, they purchase it. Further, several staff members conduct seminars about soldering, and precisely respond to customers’ requests through installation process diagnosis and consultation, and improvement and reforms for the equipment. Our customers are greatly satisfied with our strong support system that can propose concrete solutions that leverage the manufacturer’s strengths.
Bearing Production and Research Department
Technical support while viewing actual products on-site

Slide bearings are used for products that demand high quality, such as cars, and the number of requests is increasing, not just from development departments, but also from quality assurance departments. We are providing technical support with excellent equipment that can evaluate the quality of slide bearings, such as friction testers, hydraulic bench testers, and frictional wear testers. When studying the influence of the changes in the customers’ processes on their products, we view actual products during our on-site visits, and make the best proposals for the said phenomena.
Industrial Analysis Service Ltd. was established by Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd. in 1972 to provide services such as analysis and measurement of chemical substances or industrial materials, as well as water, air, soil and asbestos. The company assists in maintaining a safe living environment.
Senju Sprinkler Co., Ltd.
Senju Sprinkler holds 70% of the domestic market share in Japan in fire-extinguishing sprinklers, which are essential for protecting life and property from fire hazard. The supply of soldering material used in the central part of the sprinklers is received from SMIC, and contribute to maintenance of safety in the society with our latest functional design.