Security Exports Control
Security exports control refers to controlling exports so as to keep weapons or consumer products and technologies that can be diverted for military use from getting into the hands of terrorists or nations developing weapons of mass destruction, in order to maintain peace and security in the international community. Specifically in Japan, regulated cargo and regulated export destinations are stipulated at the time of export under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Control Trade Law (FEFCTL), and if the export falls under these specifications, permission needs to be acquired from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Basic Policy
With respect to export of commodities and provision of technologies regulated by the FEFCTL and other laws from the viewpoint of maintaining international peace and security, bringing about non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and prevention of excessive accumulation of normal weaponry, every company in the SMIC Group (SMIC and affiliated companies) has a basic policy of restricting these activities if the FEFCTL and other laws are violated. The polices also call for maintaining and ameliorating an export control system by appointing a person in charge of security exports control in order to ensure compliance with the FEFCTL and other laws and proper export control.
Export Control System
For the purpose of complying with the FEFCTL and related laws, as well as the export control regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, and making efforts to achieve proper export control, our company has established in-house regulations called "Security Exports Control Regulations," and is building an export control system by establishing Security Exports Control headquarters where the president and representative director are appointed as chief executives for security exports control.
A security exports control office is established inside the security exports control headquarters to ensure strict and absolute export control through managing exports through enactment and revision of regulations and business manuals, checking for mistakes in judgments thereof and approving transaction studies, as well as through export control training and yearly audits in the subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
Our company has created internal export control regulations on the security exports control page of the METI website, and posted them on our "official website" as an enterprise that is maintaining a self-control system involved in security exports control.
Aviation Security Control
Based on Article 86 of the Aviation Law, an explosives inspection is required to be carried out on the air cargo to confirm its safety before loading on an aircraft. If the exporter is certified as a "specified shipper" (exporting party) for cargo safety and compliance with laws, they can conduct the explosives inspection at their end, thereby enabling a rapid and smooth export process.
Aviation Security Control System (Specified Shipper)
Based on the Guidelines related to safety measures involved in handling of air cargo for specified shippers issued by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, our company has established in-house regulations called "Regulations for handling air cargo," set up a committee where the head of the General Affairs Headquarters Control Division is appointed as the manager in charge, and is building an aviation security control system.
Air cargo security in charge is responsible for maintaining appropriate aviation security control through enactment and revisions to regulations and business manuals, aviation security control training and yearly audits.
We are certified as a specified shipper by multiple specified air cargo forwarding operators (RA).